[Unofficial] Blackwater Security Agency
OOC information:

Steam Name: [FL:RP] DarthTom56 [CUBE]

Time Zone: GMT + 3

Roleplaying Points: 0

Hours On The Server: 187

Bans On The Server: 5

IC information:

Name: Tom Whiteley

D.O.B: 22/2/1990

What can you bring to the B.S.A: I can bring Loyalty, Honesty and Strength.

Why should you be accepted: I am a good player, I follow orders and I give respect to all my superiors.

Activity on the server: 12 hours a day.

People which can be contacted: Tufty Goblin (STEAM) Dogysmash (STEAM)
Kind Regards,

Fearless Donator

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial] Blackwater Security Agency - by Wheatcake - 01-18-2014, 10:14 PM

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