[Unofficial] Blackwatch Corporation (New)
Steam Name: KingofJaffas
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:61661230
VAC Banned: No.
Bans on record: (Don't lie we will check.) Only 3.
Real Age: 14.
Hours: Round about 93 hours.
Character Backstory: Lewis Ramesy Was born in England and his mother died when Lewis was born. So Lewis grew up with his dad, his dad was his role model because he worked in Military. Lewis's dad brought home a airsoft pistol when Lewis was 14. He practised everyday when he came home from school, he knew that he wanted to be like his dad. One year later Lewis got a phone call from the Military saying that his dad was killed by a rebel in India. So Lewis moved to EvoCity where he could start a fresh and got a job as a cop so he could defend the city from crime and make sure no one is killed by rebels.
RP Points: (If any.) 0.
Previous Roleplays taken part in: DogRP (Barkles you will remember this) HostageRP ChopshopRP and many more.
We will not be held responsible for your actions, you will be exiled if caught breaking server rules, do you accept: I accept completely.
Previous clans: $Street$Outlaws$

Name: Lewis Ramesy.
Age: 20.
Weight:8 stone.
Address: 72 Dagget road EvoCity.
How long have you been in EvoCity: about 3 months.
How did you hear about us: When I was on patrol as a Officer I drove past a motors shop and it was owned by blackwatch.
Height: 5 foot.
Reason for wanting to join: I realised that blackwatch watch is about alot of roleplay and I really enjoy roleplaying and I have many ideas for roleplay aswell.
Benefits you could bring to Blackwatch: I would always listen to orders and be sure to teach people anything that I am skilled at.
Motives for wanting to join initially: My Father was in the military so i have a good aim and a good shot also I want to prove to him that I can do something in my life and make him proud.
Ex-military: no.

Messages In This Thread
Blackwatch - Project Orion - by Roachy - 01-17-2014, 12:30 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Blackwatch Corporation (New) - by Mr Doc - 01-18-2014, 10:13 PM

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