[Unofficial] Blackwatch Corporation (New)
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::> Welcome back, General.

-:: Creating Word Processed document ::-

Good evening troops, this is General Michael Styx with an important annoucement.
As of the 18/01/2014 we will be starting work on a new Project, codename ORION.
This project will be designed to build Super Soldiers capable of tearing through walls with our genetically modified Redlight virus. Our boys in Manhattan have already completed all three phases, however sending them over to us in the city will prove challenging even for them and they are still busy containing the virus in NYZ. Operation Firehawk will surely solve the problem in NYZ. (Play Prototype 2 and get the reference)

-:: Recieving feed from NYZ Terminal - Alpha ::-

[Image: PRo1_Super_Soldier.png]

-:: End of Feed :: -

That's what we aim to accomplish in three phases, soldiers will be briefed on the plan once on duty in the city.

-:: End of Document ::-
::> Logging out, General Michael Styx.

Messages In This Thread
Blackwatch - Project Orion - by Roachy - 01-17-2014, 12:30 PM

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