Your name: bornat1

Your ban ID: 42805
Banned by: [FL:M] ZedsDead

Reason: FailRP, Raiding as citizen
Involved: I dont know exact names. Zeds does.

Why we should unban you: I got banned for Raiding as citizen.I'll tell you one guy that i know that raids as citizen , and i know 100 other people. Kalastaja.He's raiding as citizen,even calling an admin if somone failRP during his raid.And he never got punished for that.Now let me say my story about all this.First i came in Industrial Zone.Found 3 guys doing something , wanted to check what's happening. One of them pulled shotgun , so i instantly pulled m4 and killed him , took shotgun and dissapeared.Came back shortly and heard contra's near one house.Breeched doors and saw lots of cars including a police car .I ran away right in that moment(I didnt shoot anyone and didnt harm anyone).Called police , they saw request in chat and they moved police car somewhere.Police guy came , and some random stuff happened , and i proppushed my car(Was out of fuel) from a road(like 2 meters) , Zeds came , i got punished for 3 hours of physics gun and stuff.After a bit i noticed contra's in house across the road.One of them appeared with AK behind me , started shooting and i killed him , took AK and ran away.Tried to holster my m4 and knife , but another guy killed me.I took a stand in burg for 6 minutes and came back in industrial for car.I didnt found a car where i left it before i got punished , and it was out of fuel , so obviously someone proppushed it , thoose 3 guys were the only ones in industrial , and they started following me with blue mustang in the place while i was searching for a car , and they kept poking me with following messages "Whats up ***","Where's your car noob/bastard","Your lambo is at your mother" . And many more insulting sentences.By that , they broke NLR(They knew me altho they killed me - weird) , RDM , they insulted me , Proppushed my car , and many more rules. And i got banned for 24 hours for Raiding as citizen? I didn't destroy any contra , and killed only in self-defence.And as i said , i know like 100 people raiding as citizens , and only i got punished? I dont care for 24 damn hours , but seriously ... Im not gonna play anymore if they dont get punished , or if i dont get unban or atleast shortened.

Messages In This Thread
Unban - by bornat1 - 01-12-2014, 07:08 PM
RE: Unban - by Feffe - 01-12-2014, 08:03 PM
RE: Unban - by bornat1 - 01-12-2014, 08:11 PM
RE: Unban - by DoomDude1 - 01-12-2014, 08:20 PM

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