Ban Request: Back seat Adminstrating
Update: Today while RPing, i came across Oztinclouds backseat adminstrating once again, by tazing and arresting a prop pusher. The president kinda played a part by allowing and giving the prop pusher a 15 min jail sentence. Unfortunately, i was not able to get a video of the prop pusher.

Time: When this was posted

Map: v2d

Evidence of OztinCloud's backseat admin:

And this is evidence of the president giving the arrest warrant.

Spoiler :
[Image: 1146807_10201433596747172_1226572012_o.jpg]

[Image: 1596800_10201433596707171_1220423796_o.jpg]

Information about the president
Steam Name: Aaron
Steam ID: STEAM 0:0:59266836

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request: Back seat Adminstrating - by Ne0ster - 01-07-2014, 05:29 AM
RE: Ban Request: Back seat Adminstrating - by Ne0ster - 01-11-2014, 09:04 AM

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