Unban/shorten request for [FL:RP] Kai æµ·
Your name: [FL:RP] Kai 海 (or kstiggles14 to add me on steam)
Your ban ID: 42692
Banned by: [FL] Killjoy
Reason: Prop abuse, Fail RP
Involved Kill and I of course, Soulripper was there but got arrested just before I got banned, PREDITOR OF WAR may have also seen it, might have gone inside the building.
Why should we unban you: First of all, I am deeply sorry. What I did was when Soul got chased by a 2 cops (Kill and someone else) My job was Anti-Government (my RP char changed to that because of the arrests going on and he had civil disrest) and I kept on insulting the police (in character to my job) to get the police' attention. I did this because they were holding guns to citizens and I tried to RP with it. Then it happened. I spawned a small skull and grabbed it with my fists, I chucked it at the cop to grab his attention (I thought this was valid RP to my job sorry if it wasn't. I also recently found out from my friend that this counts as prop kill, I honestly didn't know it counted with the fists too so I am sorry never will do it again.) then I got banned without any warnings. I am very VERY sorry if this kind of RP and these actions were against the rules. I just thought it was unreasonable to be banned for 6 days just for trying to RP and throwing a skull. I would greatly appreciate it if this could be reduced to 1 day if possible. Again, I am genuinely sorry if what I did was against the rules, I was just trying to RP. Sorry for disrupting yours Killjoy also. Thank you so much for reading this.

Messages In This Thread
Unban/shorten request for [FL:RP] Kai æµ· - by Kai - 01-11-2014, 02:48 AM

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