zombie RP
This is not what it looks like, while this RP was active there was no RDM.

It all started a couple of weeks before summer. I was just driving around as a paramedic, until I got a radio message that all goverment units had to report at MTL or what ever that truck company was called. So after checking in by the high security checkpoint I parked my car next to everybodies car, stepped out and couldn't believe my eyes. There was a HUGE nuclear missle standing right for my eyes, I lost the photos some how but, I asked the president why he made a huge missle at MTL. he said that It was made to kill Justin Bieber with it. And I was FIRE DAT THING! but they didn't is wasn't finnished yet... after some time I left because of a request at nexus so what they did after I left I got no idea. after some time I saw the rocket literally flying to nexus(a SRU guy was just using hes physgun to get it to nexus). so after placing some nuclear waste around nexus it was official ''exploded''. I returned to nexus to heal everybody that wasn't dead or infected. literally everybody had in their name ''infected'' or ''half dead'' it was a terrible scene.

after I got upstairs to heal mr. president I saw some flying babies in hes office... he said that this happens when there is a overload on radiation. not much later I saw the president had left so I decided to become the new president. soon every goverment unit was in my office complaining about the problems outside the city. so I decided to make a nexus hospital for infected people. alot of people saw now a way to become a infected and terror the street (just making roar sound and walk against walls etc. NO RDM). for my own safety I stayed upstairs. after my SRU agent got infected the goverment got evacuated to the farms.

while getting trough the city I saw a rampage cars everywhere (also propcars), barriers, covered houses. people refusing their arrest. and dead infected people(after this rp they said that they killed their selves to become a normal person)! still running evocity from a farm is not easy. wounded and infected people and working with your enemies there where like 2 rebels next to me. the maffia was really friendly and nice. after a while we didn't had any food left so we moved back to the city. and most infected where gone so it was safe again. It was a really awesome experience. after I told the the infection RP was over I got shot in the back by a rebel.. thats how my story ended. even after the day it happend people said you're a awesome president! etc etc. I tried it many times after it but noboby was interested.

how did infected RP worked?

first place in your name: Infected
second: sound like a zombie make zombie sound and walk a unnormal way.
third: DONT kill anyone you type *bite* or I bited you mate somthing like that makes them a infected to.
fourth: dont drive zombies dont drive.

thanks for reading! no serious its a lot of text

Messages In This Thread
zombie RP - by Itzfreekiller - 01-05-2014, 06:08 PM
RE: zombie RP - by DoomDude1 - 01-05-2014, 06:21 PM
RE: zombie RP - by Ludo - 01-08-2014, 05:36 PM

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