How To Roleplay, a inspiring writing by Inkbird

well there's a lot of things how that works.

1.) Know yourself

I mean think about what you would like to be! demon,spider,dwarf,chicken,chef,lawyer,judge,scientist, I mean there's so much out there you could be. just look up jobs or carrers or anything you want and then do it! act like it! roleplay is like a movie which you have to pretend you are that thing!

2.) Good/Bad

So its either one you want to be. i mean you could be the super hero that saves the city or the villain who crushes the world. Either one you wont, but remember its not permanent! so be good one time and bad the next, OR you could be neither Tounge

3.) Building doesn't always matter

now this is just a saying for Garrysmod! you don't HAVE to build anything in a game to be what you want, whether its big or small. now you don't do what others want,you make what you enjoy even though it may sound silly or stupid to do. now i'm not saying people telling you i mean that don't make anything for the fans or crowd or for people to come and actually enjoy your roleplay, you do what you like and people will come as it is people with interest in your roleplay/idea. Do what you like and people will come, that's what people crave!

Now there is a lot more too it and i don't mind if you ask questions and i will answer!
Just ask away and i can help, don't be shy Tounge

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How To Roleplay, a inspiring writing by Inkbird - by theinkbird - 01-05-2014, 12:16 AM

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