UNBAN Request [II Shrike II] [Verzyn]
Your name:II Shrike II

Your ban ID:42108

Banned by:[FL:M]Verzyn

Reason:"Suiciding to avoid hostage situation, you should know better." - Suspension extended

Involved:About 7 people hostage 4 Raiders...I cant reamember names...[FL:M]Verzyn

Why we should unban you:Ok Hello FL Admins and Moderators. I was Banned for Suiciding to avoid hostage Situation. 1. I was at 10 heath and Couldn't see so I fell of the nexus bridge..(Avioding Hostage Situation I guess).. 2.But it was a 1 Day ban You know most of my ban time. . I thought about i shouldn't of ran but I didn't mean to fall off the Bridge soo..I get back from town today All happy to play FL Agian!! Cheese Then i get on [You have been banned from the server] D: I get on to see why....A whole month for that SMALL Ban Like..Really Not being rude but 1 month for that....Yes this is my 9th ban for 430 hours! I know i Know better but I think 1 month IS So not Fair and Please see that 1 month is not needed for a Small Suicide not on Purpose! Please Please See that.. Thanks II Shrike II Smile

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UNBAN Request [II Shrike II] [Verzyn] - by Shrike - 01-04-2014, 12:38 AM

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