Unban Request [FL:RP] benoy101. New years
[b]Your name:[FL:RP] benoy101

[b]Your ban ID:42094

[b]Banned by:[FL] Pavilion

[b]ReasonToungerop pushing vehicles, attempting to kill in a raid with it.

[b]Involved:Some Corleons i was with

[b]Why we should unban you: Guys im really sorry. it was new years night and i was wasted IRL. i was only trying to have a good time. but i guess it went to far Sad. to be serious i don't even remember doing this. I know its my fault. and im asking for forgiveness. i don't really ever get drunk and people make stupid mistakes when they are. Im just asking to be unbanned or have my banned shortened. i want to be able to play before i go back to school in a week. Thanks for your time [FL:RP] benoy101.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request [FL:RP] benoy101. New years - by benoy101 - 01-02-2014, 04:20 AM

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