CPU is massivly in usage by nothing.
Yep, I just woke up this morning and i found up my CPU usage was 70%.

My CPU usage jumpes to 70% when im hosting a minecraft server and letting 10 people connect and do massive internet changes and stuff that might be REALLY use the CPU.

So of course i googled to find out what was the problem.

Its a windows 7 Problem you might face it in the future or you might not so thats why im posting this. if you will face this problem do the next.

The process "PresentationFontCache.exe" will be like using most of the CPU.
which is totaly insane becouse it should use maximum 2% of the CPU depends what CPU you have...

by the way im running 4GB Ram and I5 Quad Core CPU. which is strange when you get 70% usage, my comp goes from 0% usage to 60-50 % usage Maximum when im running very hard Programs that uses the CPU.

So heres what you do...
Go to Windows main Folder.

used to be C:/Windows
after that go to Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local

Find a file named "FontCache4.0.0.0.dat"
And remove it.

once removed Restart the system CPU usage should go to normal.

If you dont find the folder " AppData" in LocalService this is what you do.

Go to controll panel and go to Folder options.

after that go to "View" after that go to Hidden Files and folders.

Check in the Checkbox " Show hidden files,folders,drives"

Go back to C:/Windows/ServiceProfiles/localService/AppData/Local

and Again look for a file named : "FontCache4.0.0.0.dat" and remove it.

If you dont find a file named just like that look for a file which named something like " Fontchache.dat" bla bla just something that looks like that
Remember the file most end in .dat dont remove any file !!!

Heres the thread that was opend, and i looked in to it to solve the problem. 100% worked. you can check it too if this thread did not help you.


Messages In This Thread
CPU is massivly in usage by nothing. - by CrAzyWirE - 07-04-2011, 11:12 PM

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