[Unofficial] Blackwatch Corporation (New)
OOC Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Viljo
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:14686958
VAC Banned: Never
Bans on record: (Don't lie we will check.) 0
Real Age: 15
Hours: 1707 which are raising
Character Backstory: Nikolai is Ex-Spetsnaz from Russia, he got his serious mind from his father, and disciplinary behavior from his mother. Single, enjoys his time with booze and guns.
RP Points: (If any.) 15
Previous Roleplays taken part in: Too many to count, AlienRP, CombineRP, InvasionRP, InfectionRP(Zombie)
We will not be held responsible for your actions, you will be exiled if caught breaking server rules, do you accept: I accept this.
Previous clans: D.I.A. long time, FUMUKU for very very short while

IC Information

Name: Nikolai Kalashnikov
Age: 35
Weight: 80 kg
Address: EvoStreet 2 B
How long have you been in EvoCity: 5 years, moved from Russia where I was Spetsnaz
How did you hear about us: I heard from my good friend Jonathan Kent
Height: 187 cm
Reason for wanting to join: I was referred here by my good friend Jonathan Kent, we had our times, but he is still friend of mine, and always will be.
Benefits you could bring to Blackwatch: Balance, disciplinary, and warm hand. I was in military so my aim n' scope is in good shape.
Motives for wanting to join initially: I've made many fellas from this clan, and I have met some along my life in Evocity.
Ex-military: (Yes or No, if yes state what corp or batallion and in what army.) Ex-Spetsnaz

Disclaimer: Whilst on duty you could be seriously injured and/or killed, you must accept full responsibility for your actions and the lives of other members in your squad. Also, any items you lost during battle may not be refunded and you are required to donate some things to the cause. If you break any rules during your time here you will be exiled and not be allowed to rejoin. We will not take responsibility for you actions outside of the clan, and will not have you slander Blackwatch as a clan. We will store your name, SteamID and age on the BlackNET database but that will not be given to third-parties and will be purely for the use of Blackwatch Higher Command. Signing the document below this disclaimer means that you agree to our terms and conditions.

Signed: Nikolai Kalashnikov

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial] Blackwatch Corporation (New) - by Viljo - 12-30-2013, 06:59 PM
Blackwatch - Project Orion - by Roachy - 01-17-2014, 12:30 PM

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