My look of abusing "Admin" powers
Name: DudeYourDeath

Time/Date: NA

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:23654599

Name of Administrator: [FL:M] Freezak


After couple times saying i must post a abuse thread by [FL:M] Freezak, here is my story:

My name is DudeYourDeath aka Mrdeadly and i am bannend for massive CDM, i think its no fair that i am bannend. Ofcourse most people do! but i got my reasons, i made a unban request to prove and explain(because i got bannend without any word shared) that i was unfair bannend. This Server moderator after hours explaining he wont let me prove that i am unguilty, i tried to explain him that my prove are two other people(1 a friend of my and 2 i guy i seen in Fearless couple times). he deside not to beleave them before even consider talking to them, and keep telling that i need proof and he seeing 0 people standing for my pont of unguilt. i tried explain him in alot of ways why i think i am unguilty and why i think hes abusing his "Admin" powers for not letting me proof anything, he said he dont beleave me anyway but keep me talking for 3 pages long. i dont really like the way it go's talking to this server moderator, i really love to hear what other people think of this.

Greetz DudeYourDeath

Messages In This Thread
My look of abusing "Admin" powers - by Mrdeadly - 12-30-2013, 02:11 AM

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