The adventures of captin edward kenway
first of all id like to take the time and thank you for clicking this post,
This story is one of the many storys i have made ingame on v33 on my amazing ship the following are true rp events.

Capter 1:The awakening

It was a cold and stormy night as I raise my head from the rum covered table and wipe my eyes of the tiredness and got up from my chair and I walked out of the foul smelling cabin which hasnt been cleaned in days,I check our food and water.......almost gone if we dont find land soon it will be the end of the crew and I, My eyes catch a light in the pure black darkness of the night, I examin the unknown light from the poop deck of my ship....its anouther ship most likey one of the kings war ships I ring the ships alarm bell to awaken my crew they all come rushing out from the rat infested beds on which my brave men sleep apon, my first mate beflock gets to the birds nest and keeps a look out while the rest of my crew get into battle positions I man the wheel the look of power in my eyes as my hair flows in the wind while we sail towards the soon to be plundered ship, I can hear my enemys screams as my crew harpoons our ships togeather I pull my black pistol out and I give a battle cry as I swing from a rope to the ship and land right next to the captin before he can even scream I shoot him right between the eyes and he falls to his knees and he gives his last breath and dies... , I look up from the fallen captin and see my crew finishing up what remains of the doomed crew ,Once all the crew are dead we start plundering their cargo..."food and water we are saved..but whats this...its a map to who knows where...hmmm",suddenly a whirl pool arises from the deep and we start going round and round in a vortex the sound of screams from my crew, the loud chrash of the freezing cold water,I hope we live through this...

Chapter 2: The hunt begins

Please give a + or a - so i know if i should continue telling you my roleplay story
A wise man once said the pen is mightier then The sword so I stabbed the guy with a pen -pure 100% awesomness

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The adventures of captin edward kenway - by coolman65527 - 12-25-2013, 03:24 AM

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