BR on Dr Tosspot
Name of playerCheeserTosspot

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:17697547

Time in GMT: 10pm

Server: v2d

Summary: The person in hand was throwing verbal insults at me, he is also using steam private message to talk about me, some of the evidence will be in the logs in OOC but I feel like he's bullying me and it's an ongoing problem, I posted a thread about this and this person was partially involved I believe.

This picture doesn't show too much however I am out of prison so this is 5 minutes after the incident had occurred, you wouldn't bring it up five minutes later, this had obviously been a strand from an earlier conversation.
This is where he begins to throw verbal insults at me, in game ranging from that to the following :
Here his friend "dave" is throwing threats at me, this backs up my point of having previous experience with him as he says it out of character and more insults being thrown at me from Tosspot.

I feel overall the rule he has infringed is : No racism, sexism, discrimination or hate speech, also not in IC chats.

As you can see IC he has discriminated me

Messages In This Thread
BR on Dr Tosspot - by Dex - 12-24-2013, 02:05 AM
RE: BR on Dr Tosspot - by Enzyme - 12-24-2013, 02:33 AM

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