LordBlubbFish [eCKe] Unban Request!
Your name:LordBlubbFish [eCKe]

Your ban ID:41454

Banned by:[FL] Aviator

Reason:Accessing rooftops


Why we should unban you:
Hello. I got banned today cause of "Accessing rooftops" WITHOUT ANY WARNINGS! Missed the "Accessing rooftops" part in the rules. Otherwice I havn't done anything wrong. Tries to follow the rules as good as i can. I would like to get another chance please?

I think the reasson for a ban such as that was a bit rough.

Messages In This Thread
LordBlubbFish [eCKe] Unban Request! - by LordBlubbFish [eCKe] - 12-22-2013, 05:46 PM

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