BR on XxModerncraftxX
Name of player:XxModernCraftxX

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:75490464

Time in GMT: 20:40 (in sweden)


Summary:I was going to buy some fueled rags i gave him the money but he didnt give me anything this guy have scammed me before(it was when i didnt have a forum account)

Evidence:A copy of a bit of the console: yer AJCMAN (STEAM_0:1:44900978) has joined the game.
Steve 'Mad' Jones: i want 5 fueld rags
david cane: ok
david cane: 5000
(Advert) Sophia Mound: need a BMD to city tunnel market
You have given XxModernCraftXx $5,000.
Steve 'Mad' Jones: i gave you
(OOC) TomCroatia: See y'all later.
Steve 'Mad' Jones: i gave you the money now buy
Player TomCroatia (STEAM_0:0:44705449) has disconnected.
Player uchiha itachi (STEAM_0:0:49504784) has joined the game.
Steve 'Mad' Jones: give me it
Steve 'Mad' Jones: i can copy from console

Messages In This Thread
BR on XxModerncraftxX - by Andrew Juniperfield - 12-19-2013, 07:46 PM
RE: BR on XxModerncraftxX - by Assault - 12-20-2013, 12:58 AM
RE: BR on XxModerncraftxX - by Termin - 12-20-2013, 11:23 AM

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