BR on hobos random molitoving nexus
I was RPing a hobo at the time this was happening (I had lost my job as an attorney). While we were in the alley you began 'taunting' use through the window spawning toilet props, waiving them in the air and saying stuff like "Look what I got" and "Bet you wish you had this" (failRP, but it was all in good fun). At this same time cops had begun lining up at the door to raid and arrest us, claiming they needed no warrant since the alley was part of the Nexus regardless of who is occupying it (Not even sure as to why they were all standing there, probably the knifes which were legal).

As the police force began stacking up masses of other civilians and rebels had come in causing trouble (taxi driver CDM, firetruck and taxi both blocked the entrance of the alley which I believed they were trying to help us, not sure). When all the officers were occupied with others we ran outside to get away. No hobo had entered the Nexus, why would we? We were leaving the town for having the entire group labeled for an arrest (without a proper reason) and the last thing we'd do is go into a building where officers were about to come from and arrest us all. By the time the molotov had been thrown the hobos were retreating back to the alley as SRU had begun to make their way outside and we stayed in the alley waiting for the commotion to end. The officers who stopped chasing the other civilians and the rebels away made their way to the alley where you told them that our group was responsible. They all then proceeded to raid us by simply opening fire and rushing through.

As far as the random tranq I did actually get that on video (I can upload it at an admin's request). Naticha (who was a civilian), an officer, and I (a hobo) were all tranquilized, so no, it was not our group that was responsible for that either.

Messages In This Thread
RE: BR on hobos random molitoving nexus - by Rain - 12-07-2013, 03:53 AM
RE: BR on hobos random molitoving nexus - by Noble - 12-07-2013, 04:10 AM
RE: BR on hobos random molitoving nexus - by Rain - 12-07-2013, 04:13 AM
RE: BR on hobos random molitoving nexus - by Rain - 12-07-2013, 04:30 AM
RE: BR on hobos random molitoving nexus - by Gccc - 12-09-2013, 04:48 AM

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