BR on hobos random molitoving nexus
I do think that the hobo rp did go too far. But I did not participate in burning the nexus. And may I also add to the part where you were fail rping by spawning a toilet in the middle of the NEXUS teasing us with it because we couldn't have one?

And another thing, I was browsing through the photos, and you only have proof of one or two people with the molotovs. You've added a bunch of names to the ban request. Mine included when I know for a fact that I didn't mollie the building, check the logs. And can I not help one of my comrades that are being attacked by another individual? Once again, I do think that it went to far. I have no idea who pulled out the AWP. And the tranq was not us. Even hobos were tranq by whoever had it. You also stated in the last picture all of the hobos who molotoved the nexus. That's not a picture. That's just all the hobos in general. When only 1 or 2 did it. Looks to me you just want to get us all banned because your angry.

Messages In This Thread
RE: BR on hobos random molitoving nexus - by Rain - 12-07-2013, 03:53 AM
RE: BR on hobos random molitoving nexus - by Preditor - 12-07-2013, 03:56 AM
RE: BR on hobos random molitoving nexus - by Rain - 12-07-2013, 04:13 AM
RE: BR on hobos random molitoving nexus - by Rain - 12-07-2013, 04:30 AM
RE: BR on hobos random molitoving nexus - by Gccc - 12-09-2013, 04:48 AM

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