Ban Request for KEN_z and ADP #2french
Since Sammijammi does not have access to the forums he asked me to post this for him (screenshots of the chat are also included).

"The two officers RDM'd a man in cold blood and continued to throw racial and offensive language at me and Naticha. I was an SRU soldier on my way back in my cruiser when I say around 7-8 men standing around shouting and arguing at each other, I stopped as I thought it RP still and went over to see what was going on. The officers had arrested a man for CDM'ing and his friend was also handcuffed. It occurred to me as there was no car around , that the evidence was not there. The citizens reported to me that the officers had started shooting at them which had startled them. They then started to ram the citizens car causing the CDM's. I cancelled there arrest warrant with the president which led to the events which occurred shortly after. (RDM, FailRP, racial and offensive slurs.)"

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request for KEN_z and ADP #2french - by Noble - 12-03-2013, 08:57 PM
RE: Ban Request for KEN_z and ADP #2french - by Noble - 12-03-2013, 09:25 PM

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