Unban Request - [LP] Alp
Your name: [LP] Alp

Your ban ID: 39857

Banned by: [FL] Enzyme

Reason: Banrequest #39225 approved. "FailRP. Prop-climbing. spawning random props everywhere with no intention to follow the rules."

Involved: According to my cousin, it was someone named blekov or belkov, but he can't remember which. They were a chef character at the time.

Why we should unban you: Unfortunately, I completely misjudged my cousin's level of maturity, and let him free roam using my account on a Fearless RP server when he came to visit me the other day. I expected him to be totally harmless, as he is usually easily amused, and he has never played gmod before, so I didn't think he would be able to figure out how to use props etc etc. I am fully aware of your rules, and that I should be 100% accountable for the my own account, and that should anything bad happen, I am 100% responsible, and therefore, I am completing this unban request with the hope that you are able to make an exception. Nothing like this has ever happened on my account before, and I have always role played 99% of the time correctly in the past. I apologise for the inconvenience I have cause to any players and/or staff, and I would be eternally grateful for a lifted ban.

Many thanks for your time,

[LP] Alp.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - [LP] Alp - by Alice - 11-19-2013, 06:50 PM
RE: Unban Request - [LP] Alp - by Enzyme - 11-19-2013, 07:36 PM

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