Questions that could be touched on a little more?
(11-15-2013, 10:36 AM)Doomdude1 Wrote:
(11-15-2013, 01:14 AM)sgtbender200 Wrote: I've recently been noticing new rules along with updated rules and I noticed a few grey areas I'd like to clear before I continue RPing.

Question 1: As a Rebel can you wear suits for disguise purposes? I know Rebels are poor, but the rules say they can't afford expensive cars or bases. Not trying to loop hole it's just to sneak into the city if you're banned as Rebel can be easier with a disguise.

No. If you wish to wear suits and drive expensive cars (be they stolen ICly or not), make a custom job. The default Rebels are poor and don't wear suits.

Question 2: Does FearRP apply if the person holding the weapon has had his/hers back turned to you? (Ex. Someone attempts to rob my store and police show up causing him to turn his attention away from me and towards cops, so I pull out a knife) Also, is he now under the effects of FearRP or is it based open the size of the weapon?

Depends on the common sense. Would a shopkeeper really try to assault an armed robber who has his attention turned away for the second or would he be frozen with fear? Also, FearRP always applies, the size of the weapon doesn't matter.

Question 3: As a Rebel or Corleone can you rob a store in the city without taking money, and instead RPing using suit cases? Of course we would ask the owner first via PM if he/she were okay with it.

Yes, of course you can. Although, unless you brought one, the question is if a random shop would have a suitcase lying around (ICly of course).

Question 4: If we were in the process of buying all the doors in a building and someone were to buy the door before we got to it can we threaten them to sell the door? And when I say building I don't mean a building where all the doors lead out onto sidewalk and instead are apart of a one larger build that has one entrance/exit.
(Ex. Slums Apartments on V2D, not the one with three doors, but four apartments within one building)

Well, I suppose you could threaten them into selling your property, but I'd make sure that you have exhausted all other options before doing that, as you risk the police coming over there and such.

Also, can you make a barricade that doesn't violate fading door rules when you don't own all the doors inside, yet you were there first?

If you or your friends don't own a door, don't block it off.

Question 5: And finally, if your friend is being arrested for a minor reason such as speeding and not mass murder can you pull out a weapon and order him to release your friend if the officer does not have a weapon out? Also, if he pulls his gun is that a reason to then shoot, even though he/she would be breaking FearRP?

Again, you have to ask yourself (ICly) is it worth it pulling a weapon on a police officer for such a thing as a light arrest for traffic violations. Yes, you can threaten the officer into releasing your friend (don't kill him though), but that should be the last option. If the person pulls his weapon thus breaking FearRP, you should always try to contact an online staff member or if none online gather evidence for a ban request. You can shoot back if shot upon.

Alright thank you. Smile

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RE: Questions that could be touched on a little more? - by Sgtbender2000 - 11-15-2013, 07:28 PM

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