Unban request - Wood Chopper
Your name: Wood Chopper

Your ban ID: 39446

Banned by: [FL:M] Fiblez

Reason: Attempted car theft without sufficient reason.

Involved: Fiblez, Verzyn and the guy in the following chat logs

Why we should unban you: I'll explain from the start. I was in a rebel gang and we had setup a chop shop/garage as a secret car hiding place. We had set out to try get some cars and resell them onto new owners. We knew a valid reason was needed to do this but I still decided to set out to try find some valid reasons and steal a car. I drove over to the Corolones spawn hoping to find something on the way. I found nothing so decided to turn around and head back. At the pool area as I drove down in my truck another man in a BMW crashed into me, Causing damage to my car. I decided to hop out and ask what he thinks he is doing with his reckless driving. I here knew that I had a valid reason to carry out some sort of robbery due to him crashing into me but I decided to see what else I could get. Once out and moved out the way he decided to say "Pay me". I decided this was enough demands from the man and pointed a knife at him. He then was confused about this being a new rule. We moved off the road to quickly discuss the new rules. Once we had done this he asked how much money he wanted. I made a comment about his car and how I wanted it. I too thought this might have been too far so I was about to call a admin to verify if I was allowed to or not. Then we had a 30 min long conversation about how I was "wrong" in their eyes.

I feel this is very invalid. May I also note I never even stole his car but I decided to ask a admin so therefore no stealing/attemptive steal. I was doing a good act and checking it was okay with a admin. There are major floors with these new set of rules. One being my reason was valid, I was demanded and I had my car recked but that is not the point. I first of all decided to ask a admin about the case.

Chat logs from demands to admin call

Spoiler :
Danny Phentom: Pay me
Danny Phentom: Oh my god
Garry Chip: Sorry what was that?
(OOC) [FL:RP] Bomsusik: No sign of activity nor loyalty.
(Local OOC) [BlackHat] Drumstygix: Can't do that. .
Player Cookie [Buying Trading Cards] (STEAM_0:1:42606324) has joined the game.
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: yeah I can
Danny Phentom: i'm s-s-s-sorry sir
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: Not read up the new rules?
(Local OOC) [BlackHat] Drumstygix: No . Number?
You received $360 salary. $40 paid to tax.
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: criminal activity. You've caused me issues
and I am now mugging you
(Local OOC) [BlackHat] Drumstygix: Wait follow me. I'll read the rules
(Local OOC) [BlackHat] Drumstygix: for evidence
(!) (ADMIN): [FL:M] Verzyn teleported to ShareCrow.
(!) (ADMIN): [FL:M] Fiblez teleported to ShareCrow.
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: You may only commit street crime in
realistic areas (ie. The slums or the Industrial district - anywhere which is far from
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: the goverment
(Advert) Charlie Scotton: Gunshop behind the petrol station next to evo garage great
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: We are away from the goverment in a
remote area
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: what a fool
To admins: Fireman ramming people in a lambo
(OOC) [FL:RP]St4rkGamer: Laws please
To admins: his name is dist
(Broadcast) Jimmy Spooks: [LAWS:LICENCES] A weapons licence is required for non
pistol weaponry. Meet with me if you need one.
(Broadcast) Jimmy Spooks: [LAWS:SPEED LIMITS] Outside the main city, the limit is 30.
In the city, it is 10. If this is unreasonable, pm me.
(Broadcast) Jimmy Spooks: [LAWS:WEAPONS AND SELF DEFENCE] You may carry a pistol
as self defence.
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: Read it?
(Local OOC) [BlackHat] Drumstygix: Saw it
Danny Phentom: Kk how much do you want
Danny Phentom: Please don't hurt me
Garry Chip: I am wanting that charming car of yours.
Player [FL:RP] Ryder (STEAM_0:1:49415356) has disconnected.
(!) (ADMIN): [FL:M] Verzyn took 'p' access (Physgun) from >>MeGusta<< for 10 minutes
for reason
(!) (ADMIN): 'Not a lazer pointer'.
Garry Chip: How about you let it out to me?
Player [BDCI] Glassback (STEAM_0:0:4174496) has joined the game.
(Local OOC) [BlackHat] Drumstygix: What? You can do that?
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: yup
(<3) (OOC) [FL:RP] EpicPipe aka Kevin: *Laser
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: You can resell others cars too now
(Local OOC) [BlackHat] Drumstygix: It's not in the rules tho
(!) (ADMIN): [FL:M] Verzyn teleported [FL:M] Verzyn back to previous location.
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: You may steal vehicles to sell them back
to the owners or other parties only with valid RP reasons.
(<3) (OOC) [FL:RP] KPredeyes: Not necessarily^^
(!) (ADMIN): [FL:M] Fiblez teleported [FL:M] Fiblez back to previous location.
(!) (ADMIN): [FL:M] Verzyn teleported to ShareCrow.
(<3) (OOC) Mr.Axton: Why do you guys cdm and run!
(!) (ADMIN): [FL:M] Verzyn teleported to PRO_GAMER45.
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: RP reason is you ordered me to pay you
once I got out of my car
Vehicle [760][prop_vehicle_jeep] true
(!) (ADMIN): [FL:M] Fiblez teleported to [BlackHat] Drumstygix.
(Broadcast) Jimmy Spooks: [LAWS:DRUGS] All drugs are prohibited,and so is production.
(Local OOC) [BlackHat] Drumstygix: Calling admins . Sorry . It's a new rule I don't
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Wood Chopper|Shattered: No worries ;)

Kind Regards,

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RE: Unban request - Wood Chopper - by York - 11-09-2013, 04:28 PM
RE: Unban request - Wood Chopper - by SoulRipper - 11-16-2013, 06:03 PM

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