If Fearless was a serious role-playing server.
Fearless' gamemode is unique and I'd say it would be very difficult to transfer the concept from a semi-serious atmosphere to a serious one.
I could imagine it would be quiet a good SeriousRP Server but the community would suffer as I think people joined Fearless for its variety of roleplay scenarios and it's large community ( in the last 2 years ).
Furthermore was there always a gap between the different gamemodes, there were/are the casual gamemodes such as TTT and the roleplay heavy serious RP servers and it is not very easy for someone new to garrys Mod to get along with all the rules and gameplay / roleplaying necessary on such servers - ( at least that was my experience ) and far too often serious RP takes up too much time. I can not and I do not want to spent 4 to 5 hours everyday on roleplaying a prisoner.
Beside the fact I kind of dislike seriousRp because of the quiet bad experience I have had with HL2RP I sometimes wish Fearless would be even more serious and I imagine it to be fun but then again it wouldnt be newcomer friendly.

Thank you for bringing up that question,


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RE: If Fearless was a serious role-playing server. - by Rahiro - 11-05-2013, 06:09 PM

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