Banned for doing my usual First Responder thing.

First I see you (a paramedic) driving around in a BMW... YOU, a government official driving around in a 1 million $ sportscar.
I delete the BMW and I tell you not to use expencive sportscars but rather the ambulance.
You respond by; and I quote: "HEY FUCK OFF" over microphone.
I put you on the ground and you now spawn a Lamborghini... This time the second most expencive car in the game.

I tell you warning 2/2, and that you will have to use an ambulance. You continue to yell at me over mic and telling me to "fuck off" and I put you on the ground.

You then spawn a hummer, after I told you TWICE to spawn an ambulance.
You ignored my warnings and you were insulting me over microphone.
You failRPed. You insulted me over mic. You did not do as I told you to and you continued to argue around.

Let me sum this up though..

> Drives BMW, gets warning
> Spawns Lambo after BMW getting deleted and recieving a lambo
> Insults me when I delete lambo and goes to spawn another expencive vehicle after I tell you to use ambulance.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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RE: Banned for doing my usual First Responder thing. - by Enzyme - 11-03-2013, 11:38 AM

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