Slyfox Security Corporation [Is closing down] Give us a week or two please
(10-30-2013, 11:03 AM)Hidayat Wrote: (IC) Character Name: Danny Phentom
(OOC) Steam Name: ( You're steam name ) [BlackHat]Hidayat | Area59
(OOC) SteamID: ( Your Steam ID ) STEAM_0:1:57988164
(OOC) Age: ( Your Real Age ) 17
(OOC) Roleplay Points: ( How many RP points do you have ) 1
(OOC) Hours In-Game: ( How many hours did you spend on FL ) 302
(OOC) Bans: ( How many bans do you have ) 6
(OOC) Which division are you applying for: ( Which division do you want to join? ) SSC - S Security
(OOC) Why this division?: ( A reason why you want to be in this division ) It is because It seems cool and I really need something to do.
(OOC) Expierence: ( What expierence do you have in general ) No Experience in a clan
(OOC) About you: ( Tell us a little bit about you ) I'm a good Rper , listener, Guitarist. I uses my mic when i want to.


- Propminging
- cdm
- FailRP, Public building, Proppushing
- PRopsmashing every car within the city
- Prop spamming the elevator

These are seriouse reasons why we wouldn't allow someone to join.
An agent needs to be relied upon.

But If you can proove that those bans belong to the past.
And that you are willing to give the best of you.
Than I see it trough that you can become an agent.

I will allow you as Trial Agent. So that if something happens than your trial is over.
Els you are to become a Security Agent

I would like to welcome Hidayat as SSC - Security Trial Agent

I would like to welcome UkDarkMagic as SSC - TF Agent
Welcome on the team. We need loyal agents like you.

I have added the Clan Rules under the Clan main titles above the page.
But I also have them here.


Main rule:
- Don't cause trouble.
- Don't get banned for something big. (Small bans or kickouts are not so big)
- Don't hurt the clan's reputation.

When on duty:
- You don't fire on our own members.
- Don't fire at the people working for the client. So be good informed.
- Our clan works for who ever hires us in game. President, Corleone, Rebels, a buisinessman,...
- We are not hired to raid. Our client may do as he/she pleases but we protect properties.
- If we protect someone's properties or we protect the nexus. It aint our buisiness what happens outside.
Sampel: We work for the Nexus and rebels attack cops outside. It aint our concerns what happens to them.
Aslong as our pointed location is safe.

When Not on duty:
- You may raid and contraband when You don't have "Slyfox" in your job.
- You even may fire on members when having a rp reasons.
Sampel: You are a rebel and there are slyfoxes protecting the nexus.
Aslong that you don't have "Slyfox" in your job name. Than it's alright.
- You can be every job you want to be. But still.. Try not to get banned.

Messages In This Thread
SAS RP - by Hungames - 08-20-2013, 01:08 AM
RE: Slyfox Security Corporation [NEWr version] - by Altoria - 10-30-2013, 11:27 AM

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