Unban request MrElectricz POV
This have nothing to do with the episode stated in the main post.
The episode the ban are about were 40 mins before this episode, I was about to arrest you for speeding throug the city. When I get warrant you begin to run away while O have tazer at you, I followed you with tazer and shouted "Stop moving" and you just kept on running. I then said over teamspeak to shadow that you broke Fearrp in the tunnel, he were on the server undercover at that time so he would not ban you yet. (I first caught you when you ran out the tunnel outside city as another Officer came from that side) when we had that episode you talk about in your main post you had a few warnings from shadow alredy, when you then drove off after the episode where we talked with Shadow, I then asked Shadow if he could remember you breaking fearrp earlier. Then he actually remembered it and banned you for it.

And in case he didn't remember me and Omawolle had it on video.


Messages In This Thread
Unban request MrElectricz POV - by LIENOSUS - 10-24-2013, 02:00 PM
RE: Unban request MrElectricz POV - by Rylund - 10-25-2013, 05:13 AM
RE: Unban request MrElectricz POV - by Shadow - 10-27-2013, 12:50 PM
RE: Unban request MrElectricz POV - by Narc - 10-29-2013, 01:36 PM

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