Unban Request: Shaho - "NLR, CDM"
Your name: Shaho (STEAM_0:1:42090950)

Your ban ID: 39226

Banned by: [FL] Temar

Reason: "RDM, NLR"

Involved: The government team at the time and the raiders of the UM base.

Why we should unban you: I'd like to go over all the reasons listed for my ban and challenge them and hopefully prove that I am innocent here.
  • RDM - This is completely false... I never RDMed during the raid, I defended against the raiders to protect the president. I really don't understand how I would have RDMed in there. I was taking cover and attacking the raiders at the time - I never even got a kill on them. It's really quite strange that I got banned for such a reason when it is completely false.

  • NLR - The NLR law wouldn't apply. I died as a police officer during the raid and waited 5 minutes before returning to the UM after being called there by the government ("BACKUP AT THE UM!"). There is no link to me returning to the UM and my previous life, so please understand that I never broke NLR.

  • EXTRA - When returning to the UM after being called back out there, 5 minutes after death, I didn't attack any of the raiders attacking the UM. They let me pass and didn't open fire on me and I had long entered the UM base before being banned.
I don't know if this was some sort of mistake or misunderstanding, but please do understand that these ban reasons aren't true to what happened.

I would like to request the removal of the ban.

Thank you,
FL:RP Regular

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request: Shaho - "NLR, CDM" - by KurdishFalcon - 10-24-2013, 10:27 PM
RE: Unban Request: Shaho - "NLR, CDM" - by Temar - 10-24-2013, 10:47 PM
RE: Unban Request: Shaho - "NLR, CDM" - by Temar - 10-29-2013, 09:04 AM

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