BR For Massive Prop Blocking
Name of player: TheEpicSpoderman

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53444120

Time in GMT: 18:00

Server: v33x

Summary: Well he states in OOC that he done it only for a a minute but this is a huge propblock, I was a citizen when i came across this monstrosity. He was not working for the government or helping out in anyway. He had no reason to do this.

Evidence: [Image: 2pzfmro.jpg]
[Image: 1zbs3gi.jpg]
[Image: 29lzmuc.jpg]
[Image: 2rvzjo5.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
BR For Massive Prop Blocking - by Glade - 10-12-2013, 05:11 PM
RE: BR For Massive Prop Blocking - by Fultz - 10-12-2013, 07:21 PM

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