Your name: cheezychicken

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29510598

Banning Admin: Nudelholz

Ban Length: 1 day

Reason for the ban: FailRP

Why we should unban you: Ok, so, I become a doctor and go to set up a house in my normal location, which is just under small apartments. I buy the front door and one just inside the move through to find the last door owned by the president. I opened the door, pondering why he would own such a door to find a load of contraband. I announced this in OOC, yet no-one responds. I then hung around for a bit in case an admin came. A guy came to the door and demanded to be let in. Wary, I opened and drew my gun. he then took out a crowbar and tried to rush me, put I shot him dead with about 20 health left. (I believe this is just self defence, and within the rules) A gundealer, Banana&Apple[NL] ran in around now and asked what was going on. I responded stating that the pres had contra, and he had come to steal it (I did not know that this was not the case. Owners of contra are not shown.)Suddenly, nudel came in with an AWP and shot Banana&Apple dead. I shot back, thinking it was another person after the loot (Which, again, I thought was reasonable) I then hid, and he came bakc. I shot him dead just before a cop came and shot me. The cop then proceeded to destroy all the contra. I respawned and stated what I thought were rulebreaks in OOC. I then was brought to nudel and forced to explain my actions. I did so, with Banana&Apple being brought as well as the owner of the contra (I think it was arzaneth or somesuch) nudel didn't accept my story, and when he asked Banana&Apple for his, just as he started to reply by microphone, he was banned for "FailRP". I was then told this was a random raid, and i stated that it was not my intention to raid, I was just making a house. Nudel then banned me.
As the ban is only one day, I don't really need to be unbanned, I just wanted to put my point of view in. If i were to be unbanned, I would request that Banana&Apple is too, as, if anything, he is more innocent than I. I also request that if nudel reads this, next time he gets a report of a random raid, he doesn't charge in with an AWP, just gods himself and walks in. Otherwise the same situation may arise again.

Thanks for reading,

Messages In This Thread
cheezychicken - by cheezychicken - 06-23-2011, 06:32 PM
RE: cheezychicken - by Strom - 06-23-2011, 06:50 PM
RE: cheezychicken - by sleepynoname - 06-23-2011, 07:07 PM
RE: cheezychicken - by furlings - 06-23-2011, 07:40 PM
RE: cheezychicken - by cheezychicken - 06-23-2011, 08:04 PM

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