Ban Request on two random raiders, RDM'ers, FearRP breakers, and liars.
I confess raiding,but it wasn't random.
After his friend(i assume it is vertex) shot my way and threated me for just passing by..
i decided to take revenge on him and kill him,so he hided behind his walls..
seems valid to me after he shot at me for several times for just wanting to go to the drug dealer and sell my weed.
As for what happend before i had nothing to do with it,me and the don(my friend) was there just to sell our weed. and you threated me for some reason.. -_-

Also you have on the pics evidence againts yourself,basing as a bmd. - Vertex AKA Pixie just cursing me for trespassing,also drove me over instead of arresting me..

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RE: Ban Request on two random raiders, RDM'ers, FearRP breakers, and liars. - by ekkto - 09-30-2013, 10:28 PM

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