Unban Request - Perma Banned For CDM
With or without the ''mass'' word is still CDM and i didint thought that you could get perma banned for car death match!and i know the reason dont repeat it i know thats why im felling so stupid like im the most stupid guy in the world! i just want to play without rulebreaking this time... someguys are getting banned for 1 month for propkilling and i got banned for cdming which happenes in real life too.... okay.. its not happening so much but i think i can help the server and i can do whatever it takes to make the server better! thats why i want to get unbanned!i really liked the experience that i had!i liked all the time each minute! i dont know what i must do to get unbanned now! you make the choise so please please please please x100000 think it! i can really help the server!

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RE: Unban Request - Perma Banned For CDM - by Nekrakias5555 - 09-26-2013, 02:37 PM

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