I was banned for something that is legal
i waws not low on ammo as, i don't know what u think i do i was fully loaded and aware that both would die from 1 magazine of AK as i knew that they would die easily, i was also loaded and had full ammo as i don't use my ammo or used it before this event.

also completely aware that my friend could run away even if i died as the enemy could need to 'reload' or he has 'low HP' and i was fully aware the first one would die
i entered and could quickly judge that i was going to win the situation and that my friend i and could escape
i would also like to quickly note only the shotgunner the guy infornt of me had his gun drawn while the other had it held to his chest and would have to draw and fire while i would still be able to kill him, even if he fired a shot into my friend i would have killed him and it also has to be known that he didn't shoot my friend who had already avoided being shot by moving and the 2nd gunner took shots at me and before u say 'he could have killed me' i was also wearing kevlar

ur missing the point we were both prepared of this event happening in the near future and no risk was taken to my friend and i didn't expect there to be, u are now tiptoeing arround the event as it was clear only a few shots were fired and my friend isn't the priority, shooting him is killing an unarmed player unnecessarily, there is a massive differance to a hostage situation and this happening, i could act and i did fully aware i would take th damage and i WILL survive and then i'd manage to kill both of them without death to either of us.

i am certain that killing my friend would be completely unnecessary because if they didn't take action against me they would die

Messages In This Thread
RE: I was banned for something that is legal - by sgtchips - 09-24-2013, 08:45 PM

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