I was banned for something that is legal
This is the situation how I understood it and how you explained it in the hallway yourself.

O _________ X Y X

O = You

X and X = The two corleones, both with guns pointed at your friend
Y = Your friend

Keep in mind, this is in a really narrow hallway in the apartments on slums (not the one with 2 stories)
All the information I got was gathered from all of you guys explaining what happened, and showing by positioning yourselves again as the situation took place, and all of them agreed on the positions they took.

I have included a picture on which I've pointed out the positions of every player in this case.

Your friend had two guns drawn on him(having him under gunpoint), from both sides, and they were threatning your friend.
You came in and you started shooting, trying to save your friend while the two corleones had him under gunpoint. This means that if you ie shot the corleone closest to you (number 1 on picture under), then the other corleone(number 2) could have shot your friend.
You were also outmanned by 2:1 but that is not the focus of the ban here.
You ran into a fearRP situation and you opened fire while both of the corleones (and I repeat again) had your friend under gunpoint.

I think you could have solved this alot better by ie. taking the corleone closest to you under gunpoint and then comming to an agreement with the other corleone about an exchange or something. You just rushed a situation.

I have tried to explain the situation on a picture, to make it a bit more easy to point out the things:

Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

Messages In This Thread
RE: I was banned for something that is legal - by Enzyme - 09-24-2013, 07:28 PM

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