Ban request Mosly and Gigomoik
Name of player: Mosly and GigoMoik

SteamID: Mosly : STEAM_0:0:46345436 ; GigoMoik : STEAM_0:0:71096818

Time in GMT: About 9:50 am Lisbon time

Server: Evocity v33x

Summary:They had a house with contraband, in the hotel, (note one of them was a gun dealer by that time), so has i saw the contraband, had evidence of it i went in and destroyed it, raided the house and killed Mosly, after that Mosly respawned as a citizen and i came out of the hotel and entering the car, when i was in the car mosly proppushed my car and blew it up with me in it. Several minutes later i saw another house in the apartments with contraband, so i went in, and there was mosly again (citizen) and GigoMoik (gundealer), one of them jumped of the building and died, the other was right in front of me, i had a gun pointing at him and he said he didnt gave a dam about it, broke fear rp so again i destroyed their contra, after that i went to the gas station and mosly killed me again, broke nlr, i repawned went to get my car and mosly prop trapped me into my car, he pushed me with a chair to my car and then killed me with a gun. After i finally got my car i went to the rebel spawn and guess who was there waiting Mosly, and again he proppushed my car and blew it up killing me once more, big time rdm'ing

Evidence:[Image: ?id=180791944] [Image: ?id=180791920] [Image: ?id=180791888] [Image: ?id=180791907]

if the images dont load here's the links :

Messages In This Thread
Ban request Mosly and Gigomoik - by xXavpXx - 09-23-2013, 09:24 AM
RE: Ban request Mosly and Gigomoik - by Narc - 09-24-2013, 05:43 AM
RE: Ban request Mosly and Gigomoik - by xXavpXx - 09-24-2013, 02:20 PM
RE: Ban request Mosly and Gigomoik - by Narc - 09-26-2013, 06:27 PM

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