[FL:RP] Dogysmash (Posting for Salinsky)
ay I please say something in my defence:

I was stating my opinion saying I think because of Salinsky being ex-mod SOME admins/mods were biased. Are you really going to ban me for my opinion? And I never said that Salinsky was bad mod. So that is stupid. And why how did I harras you? I never did, he said something like 'Follow me and we'll talk' And then he bought a door and we talked for like, 10 mins. Is this harassing? no. Oh, and you accused me in your last br on me that I 'Fabricated Evidence?' Yet you only recorded half of the conversation, there is still 15 mins of conversation where you insulterd me and swore about min in OOC. So please give the time so they can check logs, as now YOU are fabricating evidence.


I also had a reason to kill the NLRers. When you kill someone, then they come back shooting the **** out of you to revenge kill you, you have a reason to kill them. And please, post the full story before posting a BR, as this is all one sided, you need to post EVERYTHING. Not just the 'highlights'

He has also cut out the bit where he uses his mic. Most of the time he tried to provoke me into breaking rules when he use mic. Also pavilion just confirmed to me that the situation I was in was not backseat administration.

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RE: [FL:RP] Dogysmash (Posting for Salinsky) - by Centurion - 09-22-2013, 05:40 PM

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