I'm banned for an unfair reason.
I know i picklocked it and then drave to the group of people to show the car off and make them scared but im not used to fast cars and the third person reaction time is slow. so i did try to miss them on the last moment but the reaction time is slow.
and then i drave away in the opposit direction because i was scared that i was getting banned because you probably wouldn't understand that im not used to the fast cars and the reaction time that is slow.

I'm sorry i hope you will understand now.

I know i picklocked it and then drave to the group of people to show the car off and make them scared but im not used to fast cars and the third person reaction time is slow. so i did try to miss them on the last moment but the reaction time is slow.
and then i drave away in the opposit direction because i was scared that i was getting banned because you probably wouldn't understand that im not used to the fast cars and the reaction time that is slow.

I'm sorry i hope you will understand now.

Messages In This Thread
I'm banned for an unfair reason. - by TrollRocky - 09-22-2013, 01:16 PM
RE: I'm banned for an unfair reason. - by TrollRocky - 09-22-2013, 01:42 PM

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