Astroday and DJ Starrfruit (Now Ringo Starrfruit
Name of player: DJ Starrfruit (Ringo Starrfruit) and Astroday

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:48086647 (DJ Starrfruit) and STEAM_0:0:68845924 (Astroday)

Time in GMT: Somewhere around 15:00 GMT+1 15/09/13

Server: v33x

Summary: DJ Starrfruit asking to be killed because he needs to get to the Nexus quickly. And Astroday actually killing him.


Messages In This Thread
Astroday and DJ Starrfruit (Now Ringo Starrfruit - by Ryder - 09-15-2013, 07:53 PM

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