Ban Request - [FL:RP] Doctor Internet, [FL:RP] Timmy Turner
(09-13-2013, 06:37 AM)jonjon1234 Wrote: (HSS) I was the here at the raid, and the Police Officer came to me, saying that he had contra. As such, as my duties as a HSS, we conducted a search on him. If MY information had informed me he did not have contra, we would not have conducted the search, but I have to trust the judgement and information that other govermential members give me. If we are unable to conduct operations based on the information provided by fellow officers, we cannot do out job properly.

However, as in your video, you can see that I was called by the Police Officer, and as such, you have cleared me from random raiding.

As my closing points: 1) The video does not show you destroying your contraband, so if we could have a fuller picture of what happened, because explosions from a property are valid reasons for a search warrant in many places (including Fearless).
2) I didn't go in, screaming, blasting anything that moved, and the only things destroyed in the search were the pots. (Which you claimed were "not yours")

There was no explosion from my property, I wasn't even inside my house, and instead of talking to me, you randomly raided without any evidence, you only had a hunch from a police officer, and that is not a valid reason to do a search warrant and raid.

You need hard evidence to ask for a search/arrest warrant, you cannot raid based on others people's hunches, the officer didn't saw anything, cause I had no contra in my house.

Also the pots weren't mine nor ilegal since they had nothing planted on them, it's not agaisnt the law to have pots, and you had no right to destroy them.

You don't see cops raiding houses without a warrant, and they can't get warrants without evidence, they can't ask for a warrant based on hunches. The max a cop could do in that situation, is ask to check my house, which I would let, since I had nothing ilegal, besides that, you didn't had enough evidence for a search warrant.

I never had any contra in that house, and an admin can confirm I didn't bought any contra at that hour and before.

(09-13-2013, 06:38 AM)AstroDay Wrote: wtf... newbie.. Its just edited..

You have no right to post here.

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RE: Ban Request - [FL:RP] Doctor Internet, [FL:RP] Timmy Turner - by Kobi Blade - 09-13-2013, 06:52 AM

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