Doomdude1 Admin Abuse
Name: Kappa Omicron

Time/Date: 10/09/13

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20270864

Name of Administrator: [FL] DoomDude1

Evidence: Thread 01 & Thread 02

I'm leaving my original thread introduction up since it does have all the information you need even though I'm going to go through them again here, but it also shows you how annoyed I was at around 4:00 am but after a long sleep it's now 3:00 pm so I'm in a better mood and thinking more clearly now obviously.

Thank you and sorry Killjoy for baring with my angry, annoyed nature and instead of replying sarcastically you just told me straight and to the point. Remember it was around 4:00 am when I wrote this so sorry that I missed the template rule thread, I was just in a hurry to get this admin sorted out.

To the point:

If you look at my ]first thread you will see that I did in fact look at the rules before posting and used the template correctly and wrote in a polite respectful manner to all and any admins who happen to see it. His first reply ignored everything I said and told me everything me and my friend do will be considered in character. But if you read (and if he read it properly) you would see that we're new here and we were standing there together and I was letting him punch me. He wasn't running around punching people and running away (like it says not to do in your rules) so when people saw us, they joined in and started punching him, so it turned into a brawl. It states in your rules punching is only allowed in fights and to me that sounds exactly like a fight. Anyway after that he just kept replying in an unhelpful sarcastic manner until I got fed up with it and gave up.

In the second thread, I made great points on how my ban was wrongfully done, even using your rules to support me, and I see several admins going on the thread reading for at least 10-15 minutes, but none replied. Finally one ends up replying and to my surprise it's the same admin who I couldn't stand because of last time. His first sentence is to assume he knows about me and that I watch too much "Breaking Bad" whatever that is, which is showing rudeness and disrespect to me. He then goes on to tell me how a drug dealer should act, so he's basically telling me how I should role play my character, which he shouldn't be able to do, this drug dealer is my character, if someone walks up in his face swearing like a fool at him, he'll pull out whatever weapon he has and kill the person because that's who he is.

As an admin, when he read my thread, he should of been able to tell that I was extremely distressed and annoyed how I sunk in most of my free day from work into a really fun game server I recently found and I only have today left until I return to work, but because of this ban I won't be able to play, so it's really understandable why I'm annoyed, especially since I didn't break any rules since I killed in RP character for an RP reason. But he should of been able to see how annoyed I was and instead of replying by not taking any of my points about the rules into consideration, he ignores them and goes on to assume things about me and tell me how to play as if he were talking to a 5 year old or something (i'm 21) and I don't have time nor patience for that silliness. He practically poured gasoline on a fire when he should of just gotten to the point on why I can or cannot have my ban removed. All my points I made were acceptable which I would quickly like to bring up again on the bottom of this reply. After being rude and disrespectful to me, he then closes my thread, denies my ban remove right and says the reason is for being rude and disrespectful, when he was rude and disrespectful first, I showed plenty of respect in my first thread but he still replied the way he did. I treat everyone with respect but if they reply to me in an unpleasant manner, they start to lose that respect, I still respect all the other admins and will treat them as such of course.

I hope you can see my points now and I hope this reply is acceptable with the template.

Edit: I thought I'd write a short sentence on what I would like done if my admin abuse thread is accepted. I'm not asking for anything drastic to be done to Doomdude1 such as revoke his admin status, that is over the top and too much, I just want my unban request to be lifted since I believe he abused his admin powers by wrongfully denying even though my evidence was okay and also for his method of handling the situation as a respectful understanding admin. Thank you for reading again, I just wanted to quickly add this to make my motive clear on to why I did this because I don't believe I was clear enough. End of edit

Un-ban request evidence

Your name: Kappa Omicron

Your ban ID: STEAM_0:0:20270864

Banned by: [FL:M] Enzyme

Reason: RDM

Involved: Murdered someone who couldn't just say "no" to weed, but had to walk in my face and curse and insult an armed drug dealer.

Why we should unban you: Because I did nothing wrong and it even says so in the rules that you can kill with RP reason.

After 10 hours of gameplay roleplaying as a Chef (where I died numerous times from armed robbery) and a Police Officer and even a Gun Dealer, I decided to try the wild illegal side by being a Drug Dealer. After playing as a Drug Dealer for a good 30-40 minutes going up to people and asking them in a discreet manner if they wanted to buy some weed, most people always just say "no, no thanks, not interested" etc, and on several occasions some called out to the cops so I had to run and get out of there, it was really fun and exhilarating! But this one guy, a dumb Gun Dealer who didn't have enough money to even make any guns to sell, when I ask him "Hey buddy, wanna buy some weed? $100 per bag" he has the gall to walk in my face and shout "fuck off mate, I don't want none of ya' stupid fu*king weed!"

Me being the dodgey Drug Dealer who doesn't take kindly to someone walking in his face and cursing/insulting him I am, replied "mother fucker!" and gunned him down, then I fled the crime scene but before I could have a chance to escape any cops woh might of been around, I get teleported and banned in the space of 5 seconds.

In your rules it says under "OOC and IC Rules" "3. Don't kill people randomly (RDM), only kill with a RP reason."

I believe my kill fell into this category since I wasn't killing anyone randomly, I was making good business selling weed, then when some cocky foul mouthed fool decides it would be a good idea to talk to a Drug Dealer like dirt, it cost him his life. Thus killing him with RP reason. Now Doomdude1 doesn't seem to think this would happen, so here is some evidence proving otherwise that this is a totally acceptable roleplay reason to kill someone:

In reality, people are very often assaulted and occasionally fatally wounded in incidents such as what happened in-game, especially when it comes to drugs. This clip is from a film called "Rise of the footsoldier" Below is the murder from the film:

It's based on a true story and this particular clip shows three people being murdered in the film due to a disagreement about drugs and because the man in the left rear seats name was tarnished, the case is quite well known and infamous in the UK and it really highlights that what I did in FL that got me banned happens in reality and should be a reason to kill a person.

And here are more sources showing similar such murders involving drug dealers:

I hope this is more than enough evidence and sources to show you that my ban was wrongfully put on me and denied to be removed and that I killed in a perfectly acceptable RP reason.

Again I am sorry for my attitude yesterday but it was really late at night/early in the morning and I was already upset how I had to wait a further 24 hours to play with my friend on this server for the first time for a wrongful ban but we decided to wait anyway and when we finally played it was really fun and we were having a great time and then I got banned myself for a reason I shouldn't have. It just really upset me y'know because I really was having genuine fun.

Thank you for reading and I hope this is acceptable now.

Messages In This Thread
Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by kappaomicron - 09-11-2013, 03:14 AM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by Killjoy - 09-11-2013, 05:15 AM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by kappaomicron - 09-11-2013, 02:49 PM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by kappaomicron - 09-11-2013, 09:32 PM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by DoomDude1 - 09-15-2013, 03:56 PM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by Killjoy - 09-15-2013, 04:09 PM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by kappaomicron - 09-17-2013, 01:08 PM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by Killjoy - 09-17-2013, 01:17 PM

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