Doomdude1 Admin Abuse
I would like to report Doomdude1 for admin abuse because he has continuously replied to both my threads starting blatantly in a rude, sarcastic and unhelpful manner. And in my most recent thread, ignored my evidence in your own rules to prove that I was banned for no reason at all.

As you can see he has gotten on my nerves even before in the first thread where my friend was banned stopping us from playing until yesterday and then when we finally do play on yesterday, I get banned 10 hours later of playing (with no issues what so ever and plenty of deaths from armed robbers(owning KFC = bad idea)) after I murdered someone as a drug dealer as you can read in my second thread.

Links to First and Second threads.

He wrongfully closed my right to be unbanned because I was being "rude", that is hypocritical of him because as you can see in both threads, he was rude and sarcastic to me since the very beginning.

He could already tell by my thread that I was annoyed about being wrongfully banned yet chose to reply sarcastically to me instead of being the calm admin to post a constructive reply he should have been, saying why I can or can't have my ban revoke. It feels as if he was purposefully provoking to get a negative reaction from me.

Main points:
Ignored evidence in rule page to support my unban case
Constantly replied sarcastically and unnecessarily on multiple threads
Closed my second thread wrongfully
Appeared to have been trying to get a negative reaction from me
All his posts have been unhelpful with no relevance to my points at all

He basically tried to tell me how I should roleplay as my character in his first reply on my second thread, which is nonsense. Abusing admin powers, please tell me you see this too?

He also gave me a warning (which I find painful to read because of it's hypocritical nature all over it) Insulting/acting disrespectful opposite the staff (+3 points)

He was insulting and disrespectful first, you can see this in both threads, I was being completely respectful in my first thread, yet he straight up went all sarcastic at me in it. And in the second thread, he spoke to me like a 5 year old or something when he was trying to explain how Drug Dealers work. I'm sorry but you can't put everyone in the same boat, people are different and act different, they don't all do the same things the same way. Again, who is he to tell me how I should role play my character?

It's not as if I was running around killing people like an idiot, I was role playing happily as a Chef, a Police Officer and a Weapon Dealer, then came Drug Dealer and I was having fun selling drugs to people too. Then I bump into someone who decided to walk in my face and swear up all in my face so I murder him then run. That's what would happen and then the cops have themselves an investigation to pursue and arrest me, I was looking forward to that, but no, instead I get teleported and banned within seconds. If I was killing everyone I saw like an idiot, then by all means, ban me (I wouldn't do that anyway) but I didn't, I killed one person who had a bad mouth and finally said it to the wrong person. It's his fault for being a dick. I thought it was a fun roleplay, I really wanted the cops to catch me with an investigation or something.

A point to show how Doomdude didn't even pay much attention or read my points properly, he berated me saying how I failedRP by saying in the second thread: "So you're being a drug dealer. You offer someone drugs. He refuses. You gun him down."
I've already asked plenty of other people before and they all just said no, no thanks, not interested or threatened to call the cops so I ran. This one dude in particular, as I stated in my thread, instead of saying no, not interested etc, he walked up in my face and swore up and down his mic at me. What on earth does he expect will happen!? How is it failRP if that's how my character is, I don't just kill any random person, this one guy made me kill him by insulting me. The funny thing is right before I killed him, he started to swear and insult someone in the mafia in the middle of the street. So no Doomdude, I did not "Ask him if he wanted drugs, he refused, I killed him.i" I asked him if he wanted drugs, he refused and invaded my personal space and insulted me, THEN I shot him.

Honestly he comes across to me not having the personality to be an admin. He should of known from reading my thread that I was obviously distressed and annoyed, him talking to me the way he did was unprofessional and practically added gasoline onto flames. He should have been calm, decent and understanding instead of calm, rude and sarcastic. If he couldn't be bothered to talk about my points in full and proper, he shouldn't have replied to my thread at all and left it to an admin who would. Of course I'm annoyed, after waiting 24 hours to try this server out with my friend, and after 10 hours of pure epic fun and laughter, I get wrongfully banned and my time was cut short. It's quite understandable if you think about it, I'm seriously addicted to your server, I find it a great new and fun experience and I've even gotten several other friends to try it.

Messages In This Thread
Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by kappaomicron - 09-11-2013, 03:14 AM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by Killjoy - 09-11-2013, 05:15 AM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by kappaomicron - 09-11-2013, 02:49 PM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by kappaomicron - 09-11-2013, 09:32 PM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by DoomDude1 - 09-15-2013, 03:56 PM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by Killjoy - 09-15-2013, 04:09 PM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by kappaomicron - 09-17-2013, 01:08 PM
RE: Doomdude1 Admin Abuse - by Killjoy - 09-17-2013, 01:17 PM

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