Okay What The Actual FUCK?
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(09-11-2013, 12:53 AM)Doomdude1 Wrote: I think someone watched too much Breaking Bad.

Alright, let me explain to you why what you did was utter FailRp.

So you're being a drug dealer. You offer someone drugs. He refuses. You gun him down.

A drug dealer in real life realizes that any police are bad business. So, any drug dealer with half of a brain would not blast someone in the face for refusing to buy his drugs. Gunshots have this habit of being loud. So, you gunning him down, would cause someone to hear it and possibly call the police. Now I want you to think, when was the last time you heard a drug dealer shoot someone for refusing to buy drugs? You would get hunted down by the police and get arrested/killed. Also, the other person is a gun dealer, so I really wouldn't want to open up on someone who is probably armed as well.

Now, on our servers you respawn and the maximum jail time is 15 minutes (with a jail guard). In real life, you don't respawn and you could go to jail for quite a long time, perhaps even get executed. And no, in real life, a dodgy drug dealer doesn't last long enough to get in the city with the attitude of killing someone, because he will be eaten by a bigger fish.

Also. Don't threaten leaving. If you want to leave, do so, not a single person is holding you hostage here.

Okay smart Alec. Firstly I have no idea what the hell Breaking Bad is because I don't watch much T.V so get that out of your head.

Secondly this is a role play server. Who the hell are you to say how I should role play my character? If I want to role play being a crazy drug dealer who has a badass attitude who takes no shit from nobody, I should be able to do so. What the hell gives that other player more right than me to insult, swear and curse blindly at me without having some sort of consequence for maliciously pissing off a drug dealer with a gun?

And I never got the chance to run from the scene of the crime to escape the police because I was teleported instantly for killing someone for a RP reason which states it is acceptable in your rules.

You totally ignored my points as bringing up YOUR OWN RULES in regards to my killing him in RP making me not eligible for a ban.

Seriously pull your fingers out, it's in your own rules... The only thing I get from your sarcastic UNHELPFUL reply is that you are telling me how my character is, when I am my character and like I said, if I wanna be a drug dealer who will shoot someone who verbally stupidly insults me, I can. If I get caught by the police, so be it, I'll just change job and be somebody else. IT'S ROLEPLAY.

And lastly, I wasn't threatening to leave, I was STATING I WILL leave because I can't be bothered to waste my time with a shitty community of admins that I've dealt with so far.

At the end of the day "Doomman", I'm right and you're wrong, your rules say so, you can't hide from that. So stop ignoring it so I can get back to ROLEPLAYING.

Messages In This Thread
Okay What The Actual FUCK? - by kappaomicron - 09-10-2013, 09:15 PM
RE: Okay What The Actual ***? - by Sean - 09-10-2013, 10:42 PM
RE: Okay What The Actual ***? - by DoomDude1 - 09-11-2013, 12:53 AM
RE: Okay What The Actual FUCK? - by kappaomicron - 09-11-2013, 02:54 AM
RE: Okay What The Actual ***? - by DoomDude1 - 09-11-2013, 02:59 AM

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