Slyfox Security Corporation [Is closing down] Give us a week or two please
(OOC) Steam Name: AzuraPlays
(OOC) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43284168
(OOC) Age: 14
(OOC) Roleplay Points: Just the 1 at this moment
(OOC) Hours In-Game: 160 hours
(OOC) Bans: Unfortunately, a lot. (6). I used to be a real minge, but in the time i've been away i got my act sorted.
(OOC) Which division are you applying for: Task force or Security force
(OOC) Why this division?: Task force because i'd prefer to be a discreet type of guy, who doesn't have to be on the front, and i'd prefer the RP if i was more of a discreet guy who warns people so we can set up the security for possible raids etc, and then i'd like to be security if not task force because it's the next best thing, and i also like to RP as a guard, it's fun and you also get to work with guns, with out fail RP'ing, cos lets admit it whilst guns can be bad, they're fun as well!.
(OOC) Expierence: For the last 3 months i've been playing a seriousRP militaryRP server, and i've played fearless for 160 hours, i also played some 1942 RP to the side occasionally.
(OOC) About you: I'm a 14 y/o boy studying for his GCSE's in year 10, so i don't have a lot of spare time but when i do it's on my laptop, usually on an RP server if i can be bother and know i wont just ruin RP (we all have those days where we'd just get in the way, unfortunately before now that never used to stop me, and made me get bored and banned a lot, btw i understand if im declined as 6 bans is A LOT). I've played fearless RP for a long time (not in hours as i haven't played in about 6 months) but over time. FearlessRP was also the first RP server i ever played, and i enjoyed it a lot which is why i'm taking it seriously now that i've actually bothered to improve my RP, and i actually want to do serious RP (after playing a lot of clockwork servers, i've learnt i prefer being serious to being that minge that thought it was funny to slam people with a taxi, which really it isn't, it gets boring and stupid). So yeah to sum me up, i love RP and would love to join slyfox, however i understand if i'm declined (if i have too many bans can we consider a trial maybe?). Thanks for looking at my app.

Messages In This Thread
SAS RP - by Hungames - 08-20-2013, 01:08 AM
RE: Slyfox Security Corporation [NEWr version] - by Brian - 09-09-2013, 10:16 PM

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