[EVENT] Chemical disaster and city siege
Name: [FL:RP] Kulthro
Hours: 530+
RP points: 1
Define /me: /me is a tool we can use to express feelings, actions, or emotions within our character.. For example.. "/me He tightly grips the gun.. Scared out of his mind.."
Define /it: /it is a tool we can use to express the environment around us.. For example.. "/it The wooden floor creaks each step you take."
Can you roleplay seriously, slow paced and realisticly?: Yes
Re-type the event date: Saturday September 7th 6:00 GMT
Do you agree to the rules of the event?: Yes

Character name: Devys "Kulthro" Potal
Age: 29
Occupation: Combat Commander, and Ranking/Recruitment Officer at Ghost Operatives
Brief story: His childhood isn't much remembered, as it was fast-paced and he was on the run constantly. Devys has had experience at many military organizations. But his most loved work was being a Restaurant Owner. He retired from it and now currently works as a Staff Agent at Ghost Operatives, managing 3 departments.
Any attributes that are realistic? Calm, Very Protective/Defensive, Has a Bad Temper.
Any attributes, perks you'd like your character to be approved to do/have? (e.g. doctor, hunter) Crazy Chef
Do you wish to purchase a property? If so, which one? Riverside Cottage #1
[Image: f8ba1Yh.png]

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RE: [EVENT] Chemical disaster and city siege - by Kulthro - 09-01-2013, 08:09 PM

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