Unban Request: BlackDog
(08-31-2013, 10:48 PM)Rolorox Wrote: "Obviously as an officer I am grateful for them saving my life but the truth is they had no right to intervene."

"So from here I had to do what any officer in real life would and I had to detain them. The truth of the matter is, unless self defense (what I was under) murder is still murder. Especially if the people at question are not government associated. They are just "Civilians" in my eyes and shouldn't get involved."

Civilians get involved more often than you think in the defence of on duty officers, and are often rewarded for this fact, i site 5 news articles on the matter:






"So I asked them both to stand up against the wall (and at no time did I see a /me of blackdog putting the gun slung on his back). The reason I state this is because he made the argument that I never used /me to take it off and in no way during normal confrontation would I expect that I would have to do that. It seemed like an easy excuse to be able to pull it out."

You at no point made any attempt to releave us of our weapons, we simply shouldered our weapons "Temporarly put them away, while they are still equiped" while we were going to attempt to talk the situation out, the moment you started to cuff dubwub we knew you were no longer going to attempt to talk the matter out and simply cuff us, and get an arrest warrant on us, for an action that in actuality, would be seen as an act of bravery and the person would be rewarded

"So as Dubwub was standing to my left and Blackdog was directly infront of me, I continued to arrest Dubwub on an angle and then when I turned looking directly at Blackdog I said "You are under arrest for having an illegal firearm in public and manslaughter" (or murder whatever I said). I then started to cuff him but ran back on a diagonal and pulled out his weapon before the cuffs finished. He tried to argue my attention was elsewhere but I was putting the cuffs on him at the time. He also argued that cuffs don't apply fear RP but the truth is I would have had a hold of his hands, and with the slung gun on his back, realistically I would have taken it off in a situation like that but I never knew it was there cause he never stated so."

I saw no attempt to cuff me, you cuffed dubwub and an uninvolved civilian giving me ample time to react to the situation

"The fact that this is Gmod disables me from a lot of obvious precautions that would happen in a real life situation. "

Not so much true, as you are fully capable of /meing an entire situation if you are willing to allow it to go that route, you instead walked up to two people who outgunned you in every aspect and demanded them to face the wall, who shockinlg didnt just blow you away as would have been the case in any other situation and proceeded to comply assumeing you were not just going to slap cuffs and a warrant on them and RP the stuation

"So in no way should he have been able to do this. He then proceeds to stand there and type on a PDA but again this would not have happened because he should have been handcuffed SRU arrived and with all 4 of us around him he shouldn't be able to act how he wants and call the shots. I continuously told him to put the gun down and get up against the wall, but he ignored me and just said "I'm sorting this out with the president". This which if he just RP'd we could have brought him to the president to sort it out. But he just wanted things his way."

Wrist mounted PDAs are not hard to type into, which this was my RP attempt to contact the president about the situation as you continued to blow it entirely out of purportion, and have it settled peacefully, according to multiple staff, fearRP does not apply in this situation as both groups are armed, and therefor the standard Unarmed v Armed situation does not apply, it is up to the players involved in the action to decide how they wish to go about it, you did not have 100% full control over the situation as I was armed as well, better armed then the responding officers, with an escape vehicle not far away, and a plan to in the event you fired on me, to do as much damage as I could to reach said escape vehicle

"This whole time Dubwub just complied. This could have been easily avoided by accepting the arrest or RPing that he wanted to talk to the president about it, telling me more why it is a wrongful arrest put he said nothing to me."

This is exactly what i kept telling you, but you kept screaming at me, so i contact the president dirrectly, such can be seen in the logs shortly after my PDA /mes

"I am not new I can RP a situation but it just seemed like it wasn't going to happen."
I cite the above

Grub was there watching the whole thing, even came out at one point to tell us to continue and give him another chance to understand that although he had a gun FearRP in shear numbers was being applied and he has to make a choice. Instead he just stood there telling us to wait and at one point saying he can't hear me which I just find a waste of time and stalling when we could have just RP'd the situation at least.

According to grub,all he said was to continue the situation, and that people should stop screaming, if there was a true issue with how it was going down, he would have pulled everyone aside and discussed it, and had it sorted out

I would also like to add for shear continuity that Blackdog did have a weapon and was wrongfully arrested by the SRU so I told him he had to let him go and we continued.
I question why the SRU sgt was never punished for his blatent failRP and why it took us argueing with him to finaly get him to stand down

"But no matter how much he doesn't think so it was a gray area of FearRPwhere he is surrounded so he had to make a choice which we gave, A. Put the gun down and get against the wall. B. Let the situation get ugly and probably turn into a firefight. But I gave him this choice to which he ignored."

Your correct, it is a grey area, though from my conversations with staff, it appears my actions were fully allowed, you gave me a choice to obey you, i declined, and instead tried to talk the situation down, of which you declined, sadly the situation never got a conclusion due to the server attack

Note: Just to clarify, not sure which part you mentioned it at, but yes FUMUKU was not working for the government at the time, we were simply driving around looking for a spot to setup an office so we could think of somthing to do, when we saw him try to murder you, and then we saved you. This does not instantly make it murder as it is still self defence as he fired on us when we rounded the corner,an appropriate response, and of course the defence of an officer of the law.
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request: BlackDog - by BlackDog - 08-31-2013, 07:43 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Rolorox - 08-31-2013, 10:48 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by BlackDog - 09-01-2013, 12:07 AM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Rolorox - 09-01-2013, 01:58 AM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Grub - 09-01-2013, 05:55 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by BlackDog - 09-01-2013, 07:19 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Grub - 09-01-2013, 10:30 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by BlackDog - 09-01-2013, 11:24 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Faustie - 09-02-2013, 01:34 AM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by BlackDog - 09-02-2013, 10:15 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Grub - 09-07-2013, 05:22 AM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Killjoy - 09-16-2013, 04:25 PM

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