Unban Request: BlackDog
Your name: BlackDog

Your ban ID: 36782

Banned by: FL:Grub

Reason: "You're surrounded by a squad of SRU and won't put the gun down,FearRP"


[FL:RP] Falcon (Witness)
[CM] Dubian :IECheeseubwub (Witness)
[FL:RP] Rolorox (Responding Officer/Situation Starter)
James3000117 (Responding SRU)
CaptainzMadness (President)

2-4 Other unknown civilians in the area watching this occur

Why we should unban you:

The situation that lead to the ban in question started when Rolorox was attempting to detain an unknown suspect in the city, at the time me and dub acting were as a FUMUKU Security Officer moveing through the city on our way to elsewhere.

We see Rolorox "At the time unknown, we just saw a normal police officer" capture the suspect and begin the detain him, we notice a man in a suit had been following him the entire time and the moment rolorox attempts to detain the suspect, the man in the suit pulls a mac10 and starts to fire on him.

Not willing to stand by and let an officer get gunned down in the street we exit our vehicles and give chase to the man, who upon seeing us in our gear starts to run/reload, when we round the corner he fires on us and we fire on him, he dies.

Rolorox rounds the corner, I assume after either taking cover and then dealing with the original suspect and proceeds to tell us to get against the wall. At first we complied and simply slung our weapons on our shoulders until he attempted to cuff us and thus prevent me from making dirrect contact with his superiors. Upon him cuffing dubwub i quickly unsling my weapon, and kept it at my side and tell him that i'm going to contact his superior about this and get this all sorted, as he is attempting to arrest two people who had just saved his life.

After a short time a few SRU get involved, the SRU sgt simply runs up and cuffs me, before being told he cant do so, he releases me and we revert to the situation before he cuffed me, i make contact with the president regarding the matter and at one point i can overhear on the police radio the SRU Sergeant saying somthing about us and a question on whether he was just to leave us.

He eventualy seemingly walked away, leaving just James3000117 and one other SRU, and rolorox.

Not much more happened beyond this besides me trying to calmly tell them to wait while i get a confermation of the situation with the president.

(Of which while they dont need to listen to me on a normal basis, everyone in this situation was armed from the begining, and thus in a mexican standoff situation, in essense whoever shoots first kicks off combat, though the situation was not hostile in anyway and seemed to be going the route of negotiation, minus a few people screaming)

The server began to get attacked not long after, and when it comes back online, ive been issued a 3 day ban by Grub for FearRP.

Grub had seemingly been called via @ to check the situation, of which he stated "I told everyone to continue because it shouldn't come to that. A big circle of everyone with weapons yelling."

Grub told everyone to continue the situation, of which not long after the server gets hit by a DDoS attack, why then was I issued a fearRP ban if I was instructed to continue with the situation, and when the situation never got a resolution, and not a shot had been fired?

From what ive gathered from multiple mods/admins/superadmins regarding the type of situation i was in, it does not seem to be classed under fearRP as it seems to be classed as:

"If both groups are armed, and were armed since the begining of the incident, fearRP does not apply as both would not be afraid of the other"

"If both parties have a weapon, they cant order eachother around"

Both groups of people were indeed armed at the start, and thus not under fearRPs normal (Unarmed man V Armed Man) Scenario, and in a mexican standoff scenario, where its up to those involved decide how they act and if they wish to risk a violent outcome due to both knowing they are armed and can potentialy deal with those they are stareing down.

1 Angry Police Officer
2 seemingly Confused SRU
[Image: frFqpf4.png]

In this kind of situation, no matter who fires first, people on both sides die, and the police must do their best to prevent unneeded deaths. IE:If the SRU attempt to kill me, i would have had to kill Rolorox or whoever i had in my sights at the time.

If I for some insane reason was to kill whoever i had in my sights, the SRU or Police would have shot me.

By that logic this is a situation where the only way it ends peacefully and with everybody walking away unharmed, is by attempting to talk it down, of which i was attempting, knowing full well if i complyed with their order to "Put my gun down" no matter what I say, the outcome would have been either they kill me or arrest me for saving a police officer. Only the president either sideing with me or stateing for me to stand down would have solved this situation peacefully, which for all we know, may have occured. But since the server was attacked the entire thing had no end result.

I simply request the ban to be undone and removed from my record, as it appears that I have not broken fearRP in the situation I was in at the time.
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request: BlackDog - by BlackDog - 08-31-2013, 07:43 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Rolorox - 08-31-2013, 10:48 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by BlackDog - 09-01-2013, 12:07 AM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Rolorox - 09-01-2013, 01:58 AM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Grub - 09-01-2013, 05:55 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by BlackDog - 09-01-2013, 07:19 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Grub - 09-01-2013, 10:30 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by BlackDog - 09-01-2013, 11:24 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Faustie - 09-02-2013, 01:34 AM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by BlackDog - 09-02-2013, 10:15 PM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Grub - 09-07-2013, 05:22 AM
RE: Unban Request: BlackDog - by Killjoy - 09-16-2013, 04:25 PM

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