[EVENT] Chemical disaster and city siege

The year is 2052, Ukrainian forces have sieged the industrial sector mainly and the rest of the city. The city has been hit by missiles and explosive weapons and is in ruins, access to it is limited and Evocity is controlled by the opponent. The Ukrainian forces’ objective was to seek and transport VX nerve gas out of Evocity, though something went wrong and the nerve gas slip out, leaving the population to panic, ruin districts and kill each other. The survivors must form a strong bond and survive at all costs against the brutality from the attackers of the city.


Items will be dropped spread all over the map, we strive to make this RP more passive than aggressive and it will involve very serious RP. The event will take place on Saturday the 7th of September at 6:00 GMT on the event server.


*Only the items that are found in the map may be used, this applies for food too.
*You may fish if you own a riverside cottage property.
*You may build by the roadsides, make your buildings without tech stuff and realistic, hobo like.
*The tunnel is cleared for the train and lights have been deployed, here a lot of people will live together and roleplay.
*If you purchase a property you may only invite the amount of people allowed to live there or it will be burned down by the attackers.
*If something is required of you, do as you're told to, you live under constant fear from the forces against you and don't try to play brave unless your character has been approved to evolve a resistance.
*Go along with the roleplay that happens, keep in mind that going outside is risky at times and you will be warned OOCly if you enter a zone that is currently infected by nerve gas.
*Do not attempt to jump over blockades that are obviously blocked and sealed for you not to enter.
*Don't attempt to kill anyone unless your character has been approved to do so.

Purchasable property

[Image: oFSXcx8.jpg]

Riverside Cottage #1
2 people

[Image: wKDEpow.jpg]

Riverside Cottage #2
2 people

[Image: R1agBuE.jpg]

Riverside Cottage #3
2 people

[Image: zkjEHpa.jpg]

8 people

[Image: 6DOQ0SS.jpg]

1 person

[Image: 4wgBXp1.jpg]

House #1
1 person

[Image: NoNbQmH.jpg]

House #2

1 person



Ukrainian forces that have sieged Evocity. They are identified by gasmask suits.


Civilians who are to survive in the disaster.


Apply using the template below, remember to scroll to the bottom and get the full template:

Apply only if you're 100% sure you can attend at the given date

[b]RP points:[/b]
[b]Define /me:[/b]
[b]Define /it:[/b]
[b]Can you roleplay seriously, slow paced and realisticly?:[/b]
[b]Re-type the event date:[/b]
[b]Do you agree to the rules of the event?:[/b]

[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Brief story:[/b]
[b]Any attributes that are realistic?[/b]
[b]Any attributes, perks you'd like your character to be approved to do/have? (e.g. doctor, hunter)[/b]
[b]Do you wish to purchase a property? If so, which one?[/b]

Messages In This Thread
[EVENT] Chemical disaster and city siege - by Narc - 08-31-2013, 03:17 PM

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