Unban Request - [UN] Salinsky
Your name: (Steam friends name)
[UN] Salinsky
Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)
Banned by: (Admin that banned you)
[FL] Fultzy
Reason: (Why were you banned, what's listed as the reason?)
Ban request 36650 approved: Unneeded comments and Homophobia
Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the admin.)
Dogysmash, ToM223, TuftyGoblin
Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)

Chapter 1. Why I think my ban is unfair.
• At no point did I act even a bit homophobic toward Dogysmash on the server.
• At no point did I give any unneeded comments toward Dogysmash on the server.
• Had the logs been checked, it would've become clear that Dogysmash ignited a discussion and continued to provoke me.
• Why is only my name on the banlist when a quick look at the logs could've provided you with all the evidence you need to find my word were a reaction to his actions.

List of events that evening, as far as I recall.

• I joined the server and drove my bus like I usually do when I join Fearless.
• People started asking me whether or not I had been a part of the administrative team.
• I replied, expecting to be able to simply carry on my RP after doing so.
• People started calling me abusive and I believe some even asked if I had been demoted.
• I replied that I had resigned.
• Dogysmash suddenly feels a need to violate the OOC rules #6 and a part of #9.
• Dogysmash continues to tell me about how I am abusive and how I abused his brother and banned him out of spite.
• I get annoyed because, as usual when I log on to your "wonderful" servers, there's some people I once banned who feel need to ignite an arguement because I'm without powers now.
• I finally respond to Dogysmash's empty claims with a simple: "I don't give a fuck about your opinion, Dogy."
Please take note that at this stage, it should have been clear for Dogysmash that I felt absolutely nothing for having a discussion or even a conversation about my past in the OOC.
• Message sent with intent to provoke, by Dogysmash: "Please do not swear in OOC."
• I respond with a simple yet very clear message: "Please do shut up."
Again, a clear sign that I do not want any more of it. A clear sign, that a next message could (in this case, would) spark a more fierce response.
• Dogysmash simply didn't stop and chose to test my patience one last time with a message stating: "Please do not dissrespect or argue with other players in OOC."
• I respond: "Please go suck a bag of dícks."

Chapter 2. Weird coincidences.

• What I find rather hard to believe is that someone who's as sensitive as mister Dogysmash here would actually attempt to start a conflict in the OOC, with someone he just so happens to dislike.
• Why is it not mentioned in the original post of the Ban Request that severe offense has been taken from the words "Please go suck a bag of dícks." and why is it that only after I responded to the ban request this part was added?
If I'd take serious offense from something, I'd care enough about that to put it in the original post, not suddenly add it when I don't like someone's comment on the thread.
• Why is Dogysmash not permanently banned for fabricating statements and making up a story that doesn't sound plausible in the least.
Chapter 3. Homophobia.

Wikipedia Wrote:Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). It can be expressed as antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, or hatred, may be based on irrational fear, and is sometimes related to religious beliefs.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophobia

At which point have I acted negative toward homosexuals in the slightest?
That's right, at no point did I do this.
I think the homophobia part of my ban comes from the part where I said "Please go suck a bag of dícks." which is a comment that both Dogysmash and Fultzy blew massively out of proportion.

Dogysmash took the chance to exploit this comment and to use it against me, claiming he's been bullied, called a "gay" etcetera.

To be quite frank, I think Fultzy didn't take a proper look at the screenshots nor the logs, because out of the context you could simply read that I was trying to get Dogysmash to cut the shít and he refused, resulting in the comment "Please go suck a bag of dícks." Which, again if you had looked at the context, was intended as a "shut up" in a language even Dogysmash could understand.

Of course, there's not a soul who cares about context, which is sad but true.

To top it off, the closest I got to actually being homophobic was in the Ban Request itself, where I clearly sarcasticly responded to the following statement by Dogysmash.

Dogysmash Wrote:Dear Salinsky,

May I make you aware I am a male, so please stop the use of 'misses' at the start of you message. I didn't mean to start an argument. I didn't even fuel it, half the time I was wrinting things like 'please do not swear in OOC' I said this in OOC, in case another member was reminded not too as well. And yes, my story is true, I didn't like any girls at my school (still don't) so I get called 'gayboy'/ Point being, you still offended me. And there is no way you said 'Please go suck a bag of *** (penises) without the intention of hurting my feelings. So I never broke the rules, I never meant to 'wind you up' as I was reminding you of the OOC rules when you started saying 'Please go suck a bag of *** (penises)'

Anyway, please can we stop THIS argument and let an admin to read this, and comment on the evidence, as this is just becoming an argument again.

Yours sincerely,


I would just like you to be aware that I am going off my computer now and I wont be back on until around 6pm-7pm in English time . So I bid farewell to you all, and yes including you Salinsky.
Salinsky Wrote:Yes, I smell homosexuals from miles away. I 100% said suck a bag of dícks because I smelled your homosexuality all the way here in the Netherlands.

[Image: Facebook_like_thumb.png]

You've got me all figured out, don't you?
I mean... Come on.

This message is 100% clearly sarcastic.

Also please take careful note of the inconsistency in Dogysmash's story as I've stated above, there he claims he pointed out the rules for me when I stated my "homophobic" comment, which is untrue, he was provocatively pointing out the rules before I said "Please go suck a bag of dícks."; thus making it a fabricated statement which according to forum rules is an offense worthy of a permanent ban, yet the administrator on duty overlooked it.
I'd also love to get some proof of your "I'm being bullied" story, considering this might very well be a fabricated statement, too.

Rules fo a Ban Request Wrote:Keep in mind: Fabricating or tampering with evidence with intent to mislead, and providing false statements is under zero tolerance - committing such violations will lead to a perm ban.

With all this said, I'd like if this request were not only looked at by Fultzy, but other administrators, too. To prevent any errors from occurring.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - [UN] Salinsky - by Salinsky - 08-28-2013, 07:29 PM
RE: Unban Request - [UN] Salinsky - by Fultz - 08-28-2013, 07:52 PM
RE: Unban Request - [UN] Salinsky - by Salinsky - 08-28-2013, 07:56 PM
RE: Unban Request - [UN] Salinsky - by john55223 - 08-28-2013, 09:28 PM
RE: Unban Request - [UN] Salinsky - by Killjoy - 08-29-2013, 08:40 AM
RE: Unban Request - [UN] Salinsky - by Salinsky - 08-29-2013, 09:58 AM
RE: Unban Request - [UN] Salinsky - by Termin - 08-29-2013, 12:22 PM

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