Un-True BR, Shallow Evidence, Extreme Assumtions

After reviewing the ban request, your ban appeal and taking your alibi into account. I will now bring evidence to show the suspension issued was just. In your alibi, you do not deny that you broke our rules.

The ban request which resulted in your suspension from the servers is here:

With regards to the suspension which was issued with a length of six months which is your fifteenth suspension and also your "last chance".

Zordie Wrote:And I have spent countless dollars on donating to the server.
May I remind you that donating to the Fearless community does not give you immunity from being suspended.

In your summary you admit to breaking the rules which can be shown below:
Zordie Wrote:I will be honest I disconnected that time for 2 reasons

These screenshots provided in the ban request, shows the user proceeding to knock you out and soon after you disconnect from the server.


Your alibi is similar to that of FloppySyrup's in his ban request.
FloppySyrup Wrote:I and a few of my fellow officers caught him jay walking( A permanent law ) I then talked to him and hand cuffed him and then he disconnected and then reconnected. He did it again and did it a total of 3 times in a row. Then he became a SRU and started yelling at me and saying I was mentally challenged and then killed me as a officer. He kept trying to make fun of me cause I have only 7 hours total played and he began to harass me and a few of the other officers. He then started a demotion for me for saying that jay walking was not a law and that I random tazed him.
This also shows from his view that you wrongfully disconnected from the server during a role-play situation between you and the Police Officer.

In addition to this, the server logs also show you disconnecting from the server.
Server Logs Wrote:[13:36:03] HallMark (STEAM_0:1:71209027) said: /warrant zordie arrest Jay walking
[13:36:07] [FL:RP] Zordie (STEAM_0:0:5913659) Disconnected

To conclude with the evidence present and both alibi's given, I believe the suspension issued was just and fair.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Un-True BR, Shallow Evidence, Extreme Assumtions - by aviator - 08-27-2013, 10:17 AM

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