[UPCOMING] The Fight Against the Aliens [GlobalRP]
OOC Info:

Steam Name: Mr. Davidson
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21596672
Job Applying For: SRU Agent
What experiences have you had with this job?: I have been a SRU alot of times including 2 vault rp's.
Hours: around 190
RP Points?: 2
Bans: 0
Previous Serious RP Experiences: Played alot of Fallout New Vegas RP as the commander for the NCR Army.
Why do you want to participate in this event?: Couse it sounds like fun, plus it could be some awesome RP
Miscellanious: I'm 20 and are from Denmark, I have been in the military as a conspribt.

IC Info:

Name: Alexander Davidson
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Address (not 'classified'): Goonway 20
Date of Birth: 2/9/88
Previous Employment: The Military
Quick Biography of Yourself (third person writing): The man named Alexander Davidson is Ex Military, he was born on the country side in a little farm. As he grew up and sign in at the military. He learned useful things... however everything comes with a price. The things he saw when he was stationed in Daminoe scared him for the rest of his life. He quiet as soon as he could and joined the SRU couse the only thing he knows how to do is fight. However despite all of this Davidson seems as a cheerful man... Is that an act? I guess we will find out.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [UPCOMING] The Fight Against the Aliens [GlobalRP] - by Davidson - 08-26-2013, 03:39 PM

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